Yori NelkenWhen working with clients I strive to touch the whole person, reaching for the simple essence of what is. There is something direct, uncluttered and strangely familiar with such touch. It is what I found when I first met Marion Rosen at her office in Berkeley, California, and this is what I decided I want to do. I studied Rosen Method Bodywork with Marion Rosen and her students Hwei-Li Chou, Sarah Dandridge, Sara Webb, Gloria Hesselund and others. Later, at the recommendation of Marion, I studied Rosen Method Movement with Theresa Garcia and Karen Peters, and was certified as Rosen Movement teacher in 2010 and Rosen Method Bodywork in 2011.
A technologist by original training, I researched, designed and implemented expert systems to improve business work flow and increase automation since the early 80s. In addition to my Rosen Method certification, I hold degrees in Business Administration and Computer Sciences from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. However, bodywork was probably imprinted in me since childhood. My father, Shmuel Nelken, studied the Alexander Technique with F.M Alexander and Patrick McDonald in the 50's in London, and was running the Alexander Technique School in Jerusalem since 1974 until his moving on in 2015. My sister Tili Nelken is operating a טיפול בתנועה business. My hebrew site is at שיטת רוזן. Also on Yelp |